A Complete Guide to Amazon Analytics for Sellers

As an Amazon seller, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your sales data. Doing so can help you make informed decisions about your business, improve your listing optimization, and better understand your customer base.

Luckily, Amazon provides its analytics tools to help sellers achieve these goals. In this article, we’ll give you a complete guide to Amazon Analytics and show you how to use it to your advantage.

What is Amazon Analytics for sellers?

Amazon Analytics is a web-based reporting tool that allows sellers to view detailed data about their sales and marketing efforts on Amazon.com.

The tool gives sellers valuable insights into their product listings, customers, and marketing campaigns. Additionally, Amazon Analytics can help sellers track their progress over time and compare their performance to other sellers in their category.

To access Amazon Analytics, sellers need to have a Professional Selling Plan on Amazon. Once you have a Professional Selling Plan, you can sign up for amazon analytics for sellers by visiting the Amazon Services website and clicking on the “sign up” button.

After you sign up for Amazon Analytics, you’ll be able to connect your Amazon.com account and start generating reports.

What types of data does Amazon Analytics provide?

Amazon Analytics provides sellers with various data points to help them track their performance on Amazon.com.

Some of the data points that are available through Amazon Analytics include the following:

-Number of page views

-Number of product detail page views

-Number of add-to-cart actions

-Number of purchases

-Number of refunds

-Sales by product

-Sales by a marketing campaign

-Customer location

This is just a tiny sampling of the data points available through Amazon Analytics. With this wealth of data at your fingertips, you’ll be able to track your progress, identify areas for improvement, and make changes to your listings and marketing campaigns.

How can I use Amazon Analytics to my advantage?

As we mentioned earlier, Amazon Analytics provides sellers with a wealth of data that can be used to improve their listings and marketing efforts

Some specific ways that you can use Amazon Analytics to your advantage include:

-Identifying which products are selling well and which ones need to be improved

– determining which marketing campaigns are driving the most sales

-Viewing customer location data to better understand your target market

-Tracking your progress over time to see the impact of changes you’ve made to your listings

What resources are available to help sellers learn more about Amazon Analytics?

If you’re interested in learning more about Amazon Analytics, a few resources can help you get started.

First, Amazon offers its tutorial on how to use Amazon Analytics. This tutorial covers the basics of the tool and will help you start generating reports.

Several third-party guides and articles can also teach you more about using Amazon Analytics. A quick search on Google will reveal a wealth of helpful guides and articles.

Finally, you can always contact Amazon’s customer support team for help using Amazon Analytics.


Amazon Analytics is a powerful tool that can help sellers make informed decisions about their business. By taking advantage of the data available through Amazon Analytics, you can improve your product listings, optimize your marketing campaigns, and better understand your customer base.