Cannabis Growth Stages

If you want to grow marijuana, you should know everything it entails. If you are a cannabis planter, It doesn’t matter whether you are growing them in a cannabis container, open land, or greenhouse. The knowledge is essential to cultivate the plant from seed to full maturity. If you would grow yours through cloning, you do not need to bother so much, but it is good to know. 

Why should you know the stages involved in cannabis growth? 

  • Knowledge tends to power.
  • It helps you to know the kinds and sizes of planters to source for. 
  • It prepares your mind for what to watch out for and learn what stage your plant is at, what to expect, and the necessary care to give them. 

So, without further ado, here are the stages of cannabis growth. 

Germination: This is the earliest stage. As the seed rests on the soil, it begins to attach to the soil, and opens up. The taproot then grows downward into the soil, taking a firm position. 

Seedling: This is the most delicate stage of growth. The shoot begins to emerge with tender and little leaves. At this stage, you should watch the heat and humidity levels. Excess heat can kill it, and the lack of humidity can make the plant perish too. So, look out for the environmental conditions, depending on the season. The optimal growing temperature for this particular plant is 70–80 degrees F. So, marijuana farmers should prepare a temperature-regulating or controlling system.

Vegetative: This stage involves the prosperity of the shoot as it continues to expand and grow more stems, branches, and even the leaves begin to open up into fans. 

Flowering: Here, the plants have matured and are ready for harvest. They grow into buds that are afterward harvested for product processing. Female and male plants have their parts fully developed in this stage, and you can get the seeds or the flower-bearing parts for whatever reasons you need them. 

Tip: when going for cannabis containers, go for ones that can bear the size of the cannabis Sativa you want to grow. A full-grown plant should have a regular cannabis pot and not be squeezed into cup planters.