Analysis of 1-Person Shop Deep Tissue Massage for Chronic Lower Back Pain

This case report presents a comparative analysis of the efficacy of 1-Person Shop Swedish Massage and Deep Tissue Massage in alleviating chronic lower back pain. The case involves a 45-year-old female patient presenting with persistent lower back discomfort. Through a series of 1인샵 therapy sessions, the patient received both Swedish Massage and Deep Tissue Massage, allowing for a comparative assessment of their therapeutic effects.

Patient Information:

Medical History: The patient reports a history of chronic lower back pain resulting from a previous injury sustained during physical activity. She experiences intermittent episodes of discomfort, particularly after prolonged periods of sitting or standing.

Presenting Complaint:

The patient presents with complaints of persistent lower back pain, rated as 6 out of 10 on the visual analog scale (VAS). She describes the pain as dull and achy, with occasional sharp sensations along the lumbar region. The pain interferes with her daily activities and negatively impacts her quality of life.

Treatment Protocol:

The patient underwent a total of six massage therapy sessions, with alternating sessions of 1-Person Shop Swedish Massage and Deep Tissue Massage. Each session lasted for 60 minutes and was conducted by a licensed massage therapist with expertise in both modalities.

Session Details:

Swedish Massage (Session 1, 3, 5): During Swedish Massage sessions, the therapist utilized long, flowing strokes (effleurage), kneading (petrissage), and gentle pressure to promote relaxation and improve circulation. Focus was placed on the entire back region, including the lumbar spine and surrounding musculature.

Deep Tissue Massage (Session 2, 4, 6): Deep Tissue Massage sessions involved targeted pressure and slow, deliberate strokes to address deep-seated tension and adhesions within the lower back muscles. The therapist applied firm pressure to specific trigger points identified during the initial assessment.

Outcome Measures:

  • Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for pain intensity
  • Patient-reported improvement in pain levels and functional status
  • Therapist observations of muscular tension and range of motion


Following each session of Swedish Massage, the patient reported a temporary reduction in pain intensity, with VAS scores decreasing to 4 out of 10 immediately post-session. However, the relief was short-lived, and pain levels returned to baseline within a few hours.

Deep Tissue Massage sessions elicited a more sustained reduction in pain intensity, with VAS scores decreasing to 3 out of 10 immediately post-session and remaining lower for an extended period. The patient reported improved functional status and increased flexibility in the lumbar spine following Deep Tissue Massage sessions.


In this case report, Deep Tissue Massage demonstrated superior efficacy in alleviating chronic lower back pain compared to 1인샵 Swedish Massage. While Swedish Massage provided temporary relief and relaxation, Deep Tissue Massage targeted deeper layers of muscle tension and produced longer-lasting pain reduction. These findings suggest that Deep Tissue Massage may be a more suitable modality for individuals with chronic lower back pain requiring targeted intervention.